The Certainty of Change
Brings the Certainty of Opportunity...
On a global level, we are experiencing powerful new social changes and disruptive technologies. Understanding these technologies and the changes they provoke with their far reaching and profound effects on old and newly developing business models, is the new mantra for a new generation.
By examining them collectively, bringing together partnerships, looking at secondary and tertiary effects, we can identify and develop the new financial opportunities. As well as being able to identify new opportunities, we also have a completely new arsenal of tools to measure the response to our marketing efforts.
Certainly, most product or service purchases are often based on an emotional appeal, it is a great part of our branding. With new technologies, this appeal can now, like never before, be quantified. This is the new "Science of Marketing Accountability". The prior dynamics of marketing were more often second guesses and intuition as far as the measuring the results and determining our ROI. Today our marketing can be quantified, exploited, and measured for the greatest financial gain; with technology, our costs can clearly be identified and indeed the results can be accurately measured.
For the first time, we can borrow from science a well-grounded model of scientific research; we can propose a marketing hypothesis, set a base measure, target a test group, and quickly evaluate and quantify the results. With this information, we can respond decisively and confidently base our most critical investment and operational decisions, intelligently, for the best financial results.
This is the essence of Intellatech Marketing...
In addition to full scale market planning, Intellatech also offers these specialized services:
Building your Brand and Crafting your Image:
By utilizing the viral and self- propagating attributes of "social media", Intellatech will leverage your visibility and maximize your revenue opportunities in a new and often complex paradigm of cyber centric culture of sound and video bites; blogs and tweets.
Internet Content and Visibility:
Intellatech will create affective content that is both practical to communicate and "designed targeted" to appeal to your market base while attaining the best visibility through the intelligent use of Key Words, PPC, SEO.
Event Planning and Management:
From “MC” event hosting, spokes- person, voice over announcing, moderating to selling sponsorships; from tactical event organization and management to press releases and editorial pre-selling; including collateral, e-marketing / social media development to post event marketing follow-up.
Data Systems and
Intellatech will define and support the best scalable data management solutions for your enterprise. From CRM systems, to marketing and demographic tracking; from e-blast messaging to web-site visitor behavior and tracking. The information you need for financial success.